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Pizzateig-Rezept Rechner (🇩🇪)

Ich mache gerne Pizza und kann mir nicht merken wie viel von welcher Zutat verwendet werden muss. Anfangs konnte ich mir die Schritte auch nicht merken. Ausserdem variiere ich gerne mal die Menge der Portionen, wobei mir mein Pizzateig-Rezept Rechner gerne behilflich ist—eine einfache React App (aktuell ohne Styling). Die Seite läuft auf meinem VPS (Ubuntu) bei Hetzner mit Caddy.

J-Starter: Homepage

Website that I built for my father-in-law's business. A static site, that uses Astro and TailwindCSS. The site is running on my VPS at Hetzner (Ubuntu) with Caddy. It offers a searchable product catalogue, using React integration of Astro.
The previous site was a nightmare and likely even malicious. Now, it is amazingly fast and a pleasure to look at—at least in comparison to the site as it was before. However, it is not completed yet, but we are getting there:

J-Starter: Data Portal

A simple web app that helps generating structured data for the homepage, written in React and a little bit TailwindCSS.
The product catalogues there are dynamically rendered from JSON files. Currently, the JSON for two separate products can be processed. Already existing data sets can be imported, single entries can be added, edited, or deleted as well as downloaded.
The person that transpiled the old product catalogue manually from a PDF file, does not know what JSON is and used Excel instead. Of course, there were lots of little errors and the data structure was not uniform. Converting the data from Excel added more errors. Therefore, I built this site to enforce a structured and uniform data set.
Most likely not that interesting to browse, but it is not supposed to be—it's business, right?! See for yourself: