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Hello, World!

/ 2 min read

Who am I?

Hello, my name is Matthias Streidel. I am a software developer from Germany, living in Nuremberg and this is my first blog post. Well, it is my second one to be precise. My very first blog post was written in German, it can be found here. By now I published it by myself, too: Coding-Kata—Definitiv mehr als nur langweiliges Heruntergetippe!. It doesn’t get a lot of points across the way I would have liked, but I’m still proud of it. Seeing it published after months of work gave me the muse to start my own blog about software engineering, technical topics, or career in IT.

Why do I write?

There are several reasons why I decided to give this a (hopefully successful) try. First, I want to persist some of my thoughts in a structured way somewhere. Few processes other than writing about a topic force one more to really wrap your head around it.

Moreover, I want to get rid of the bad habit of wasting my time, consuming where I could create something instead. Don’t lazily consume, but create was something I read on a comment on Hacker News about the distractions we are constantly exposed to these days. Usually I would watch a movie in the evening or lounge around on the sofa, before going to bed—especially during the pandemic.

Who do I want to reach?

This blog aims to reach people who are interested in software engineering. I will mostly publish in English, but now and then there will be blog posts written in German. My very first and my upcoming second article, written for my current employer for example are.

A. Jesse Jiryu Davis published an inspiring manual on how to write an excellent programming blog. Thanks for the recommendation, Jonas! I encourage everyone to take time and read that post! It gave me many ideas that I hope to include into this blog.